
Yuma, AZ Feb Mar 2022

  The purpose of leaving Quartzsite and coming down to the Yuma area was twofold. One to see some new area and give us a fresh view out our windows. Two is to make our drive to Larry and Patty’s place in a couple of weeks a bit shorter, 97 miles shorter to be exact. This winter down on the desert has seemed to be blessed or cursed depending on how one views it, with a large amount of wind. The higher wind had the effect of keeping us pinned indoors more than we like to be. But as with all things, this shall pass. Yuma did give us the opportunity to see the wild burros, as well as giving the kids a chance to come down and visit us, which was absolutely wonderful.  March 3rd 2022 Moving or travel day. Up early and got things closed up and loaded, hooked up. Went into Quartzsite to RV Pitstop and dumped, filled with water and propane. Made run to Yuma, checked out Mittry lake, but no room at the inn. Came out to Senator Wash, found a spot and setup. Windy afternoon and weather is...

Pro Rodeo Hall Of Fame, June 4, 2022

  I have been a fan of rodeo since I was a small lad living in Wyoming. So when Cindy and I got a chance to go to the Hall of Fame, you can bet that I jumped on the chance. It was definitely worth the price of admission, which was fairly inexpensive with the Groupon deal we got.  From my journal entry for the day: Our next stop was the Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame, both Cindy and I were very impressed by this museum. Watched their video presentation, then went through the museum taking pictures and enjoying all the displays. Wrapped up our adventure in the gift shop getting a bday gift for Maylyn and Bowen, now just need to get all these items mailed out. If you decide to go to the ProRodeo Hollow Fame found in Colorado Springs, Colorado, be sure to allow yourself more than a couple of hours, as there are loads of things to see. And be sure to stop in the gift shop, and get your memorabilia for your visit to remember by. From the website: The ProRodeo Hall of ...

Fort Craig, April 2022

  Fort Craig is a unique national historical place. Over the years after it was closed, many people came along and took things from there, as well as knocking down buildings and such. So the Park service has done their best to re-create the basic outline of the fort. To view the fort is a self-guided tour with mini placard's placed around the site giving you the history of the area that you're looking at. There are still some foundations in partial walls standing, but you will not find any full buildings. To get to the fort, a person will have to travel down around 10 miles of dirt road that is in fair shape. They have a visitor center at the fort where you can get more information as well as souvenirs of your visit. The fort is located on and rim by the BLM agency.  Cindy and I enjoyed our tour of the fort, taking lots of photos and checking this fort out. It's a definite bucket list stop for anyone interested in our history of the western part of our country. Location: Fo...

Brent Gaylene Datil Well VLA April 2022

  Brent Gaylene Datil Well VLA April 2022 We had a good time visiting with Brent and Gaylene at their place outside of Snowflake, AZ. Brent had the day off on the day we got there, so got a chance to visit with him after setting up the trailer. Sam and kids were a delight as well. We got the privilege of going through a windstorm while there and were thankful that we had Gaylene and Brent's house to shield us.  4/19/22 Arrived early afternoon and Brent was home, so setup trailer. Cindy stayed at the trailer while Brent and I went out to look at his section of ground, plus the survey on the split at their house property. Drank some beer while he drove me around, showing the property and surrounding area. Checked out the chickens he hatched out. Ate dinner, visited, and then off to bed for the night. Woodruff Dam is a dam located just 13.2 miles from Holbrook, in Navajo County, in the state of Arizona, United States, near Woodruff, AZ. Woodruff is an unincorporated community in ...

Santa Rosa Lake State Park, April 2022

  Santa Rosa RV Parks & Campgrounds Santa Rosa, NM, is a popular road trip destination located on Historic Route 66. Roadtrippers frequently pass through the town and stop by one of the local RV Parks for a comfortable overnight stay. The RV Parks and Campgrounds in Santa Rosa, New Mexico, offer the best amenities for a couple of nights in town to enjoy the town or rest up for the next leg of the journey. The best RV Parks & Campgrounds in Santa Rosa are: La Loma RV Park, Ramblin Rose RV Park, Santa Rosa Campground & RV Park, and the best Santa Rosa Lake State Park. Santa Rosa Lake State Park is located seven miles north of Santa Rosa via NM 91. Santa Rosa Lake State Park, a high plains Pecos River reservoir, offers a variety of water sports. Anglers often catch bass, catfish, and walleye. This reservoir on the plains of eastern New Mexico offers fishing, boating, camping, and hiking, as well as abundant bird watching opportunities. The Park Elevation is 4,751 ft You ca...

FMCA Sunsets Saguaros, March 2022

  We left the Yuma area headed for the rally in Tucson fairly early as it was just over 200 miles to brother Larry’s house, which was an opportunity to see Larry and his family before heading out the next day to the rally. With this just being an overnight stop, we wanted to arrive as early as possible to be able to visit. The following morning saw us on the road by 6:30am so that our arrival would be as early as possible at the rally. Pulling into the fairgrounds at around 8am made us the 1st entering rig of the day. The parking group got us to our parking location, and we got ourselves setup. We were without power until about 3pm as everything was running off generators, and they wanted a good load before they would start them. After setting up, we wandered over and checked things out and basically just messed around for the rest of the day. Following are my journal entries for the event. We were at this location from March 20th through March the 26th. 3/20/22 Drive down from Lar...

100th Pikes Peak International Hill Climb

Friday, June 24th Today was the fan kickoff of the event held in downtown Colorado Springs. We wandered down to the event to see what it was all about. After getting parked and paying for our spot, we walked down to meet up with Alicia and Brandon as well as Ava by the parking garage across from the City Hall building. Met up with them and helped them to get Ava all setup in her carriage ride, and we were off to see the sights. The event is called “Fanfest”.  There were vendors there with food, and souvenir items as well as a lot of the drivers and their machines with the drivers offering to sign autographs. They also had a group of motorcycle riders there that were doing trick riding and jumps, putting on quite the show. We had a beer, did some wandering and then headed back to the vehicles, calling it a night. Saturday, June 25th We headed over to Brandon and Alicia’s place at 1pm to get things loaded up and ready to go. Pat and Dakota hadn’t arrived yet by the time Brandon and I...