
Showing posts from June, 2022

FMCA Sunsets Saguaros, March 2022

  We left the Yuma area headed for the rally in Tucson fairly early as it was just over 200 miles to brother Larry’s house, which was an opportunity to see Larry and his family before heading out the next day to the rally. With this just being an overnight stop, we wanted to arrive as early as possible to be able to visit. The following morning saw us on the road by 6:30am so that our arrival would be as early as possible at the rally. Pulling into the fairgrounds at around 8am made us the 1st entering rig of the day. The parking group got us to our parking location, and we got ourselves setup. We were without power until about 3pm as everything was running off generators, and they wanted a good load before they would start them. After setting up, we wandered over and checked things out and basically just messed around for the rest of the day. Following are my journal entries for the event. We were at this location from March 20th through March the 26th. 3/20/22 Drive down from Lar...

100th Pikes Peak International Hill Climb

Friday, June 24th Today was the fan kickoff of the event held in downtown Colorado Springs. We wandered down to the event to see what it was all about. After getting parked and paying for our spot, we walked down to meet up with Alicia and Brandon as well as Ava by the parking garage across from the City Hall building. Met up with them and helped them to get Ava all setup in her carriage ride, and we were off to see the sights. The event is called “Fanfest”.  There were vendors there with food, and souvenir items as well as a lot of the drivers and their machines with the drivers offering to sign autographs. They also had a group of motorcycle riders there that were doing trick riding and jumps, putting on quite the show. We had a beer, did some wandering and then headed back to the vehicles, calling it a night. Saturday, June 25th We headed over to Brandon and Alicia’s place at 1pm to get things loaded up and ready to go. Pat and Dakota hadn’t arrived yet by the time Brandon and I...

Visit To Penrose Heritage Museum, June 2022

So this turned out to be one of the cooler museums that we have been to in our travels. They allow people into the museum for free, as well as provide free parking in the parking garage that is right beside the museum. A very nice, friendly young lady met us as we came in and gave us an overview of the museum, and we were off and running.  The museum houses multiple items from the life of the Penrose family . They have multiple carriages, buggies, plus a few articles of clothing and such. The other part of the museum is dedicated to the history of the pikes peak hill climb challenge. All the items are in good repair and well displayed and lit. They welcome all visitors to take as many photos as they want, and so we totally overdid it on that. I am not aware of whether or not they offer guided tours of the museum, but the self-guided nature of how it is set up works very well to understand the museum. The portion of the museum that is dedicated to the pikes peak hill climb challenge...

Colorado Springs, June 2021

  Colorado Springs, June 2021 YouTube Video Well, with our journey to the great Sand dunes national Monument being completed, it was time for us to move on to Colorado Springs, Colorado. Our daughter and son-in-law Alicia and Brandon live in Colorado Springs, giving us a great opportunity to go and visit them. Diane came up from Kansas and Elizabeth and Brian up from the Verde Valley area to join us in this adventure. The drive from the great Sand Dunes National Monument to Colorado Springs turned out to be a gorgeous drive. The drive followed along a river, bringing us out by the royal gorge. We were able to observe people rafting in the river with rafting companies. As is typical of summer travel, there was plenty of road construction to deal with. We stopped at a rest area along our route which was right beside the river, which allowed us to hang out for 30 minutes or so, enjoying the rafters as they went by. Our first destination upon our arrival in Colorado Springs was to the...

Arches National Park Sept 2021

  Arches National Park, Sept 2021 We totally enjoyed visiting Arches National Park in September of 2021. We stayed at a RV park in Moab due to the high temps as we travel with our dog Chloe. We have found that the best way to visit the national parks and monuments is to go in early i.e. before dawn as it allows us to take the best pictures due to the wonderful lighting conditions at dawn and sunrise. Another caveat of the early arrival is getting to enjoy our surroundings without the large volume of people. Kept us from waiting in line also at the entry gate. The RV park itself was nothing fancy but served the purpose which we needed, which was power for ac to keep Chloe cool. We started our adventure, going through the gate at around 5am, and driving to the far end of the park. The road was deserted, which made for easy travel, and we did not have to stop at the gate entrance. We had our national park pass with us, so we would have had no charge for entry if the gate had been mann...

Thermopolis WY Adventure July 2021

 Thermopolis WY Adventure, July 2021 The Big Horn Mountains extend from the plains and Great Basin area of Wyoming northward into south central Montana. The Big Horn Mountains and Bighorn National Forest are an outdoor paradise filled with recreational opportunities including hunting, fishing, camping, hiking and backpacking, horseback riding, mountain biking, picnicking, sightseeing, photography, snowmobiling, skiing, and sledding. The Bighorn National Forest, including the Cloud Peak Wilderness, is unique and diverse. Within the National Forest area, you can encounter grass prairies, evergreen forests, mountain meadows, rugged alpine peaks, dramatic canyons, arid desert lands, and cascading waterfalls - all within a day's journey. There are several scenic byways which pass through the Bighorn National Forest, all of which provide the traveler with scenic views. The Bighorn Scenic Byway (US 14) connects the cities of Sheridan and Greybull and includes 45 miles of scenic mountain d...