FMCA Sunsets Saguaros, March 2022
We left the Yuma area headed for the rally in Tucson fairly early as it was just over 200 miles to brother Larry’s house, which was an opportunity to see Larry and his family before heading out the next day to the rally. With this just being an overnight stop, we wanted to arrive as early as possible to be able to visit. The following morning saw us on the road by 6:30am so that our arrival would be as early as possible at the rally. Pulling into the fairgrounds at around 8am made us the 1st entering rig of the day. The parking group got us to our parking location, and we got ourselves setup. We were without power until about 3pm as everything was running off generators, and they wanted a good load before they would start them. After setting up, we wandered over and checked things out and basically just messed around for the rest of the day. Following are my journal entries for the event. We were at this location from March 20th through March the 26th. 3/20/22 Drive down from Lar...