
Showing posts from August, 2022

Yuma, AZ Feb Mar 2022

  The purpose of leaving Quartzsite and coming down to the Yuma area was twofold. One to see some new area and give us a fresh view out our windows. Two is to make our drive to Larry and Patty’s place in a couple of weeks a bit shorter, 97 miles shorter to be exact. This winter down on the desert has seemed to be blessed or cursed depending on how one views it, with a large amount of wind. The higher wind had the effect of keeping us pinned indoors more than we like to be. But as with all things, this shall pass. Yuma did give us the opportunity to see the wild burros, as well as giving the kids a chance to come down and visit us, which was absolutely wonderful.  March 3rd 2022 Moving or travel day. Up early and got things closed up and loaded, hooked up. Went into Quartzsite to RV Pitstop and dumped, filled with water and propane. Made run to Yuma, checked out Mittry lake, but no room at the inn. Came out to Senator Wash, found a spot and setup. Windy afternoon and weather is...